LaSalle Sex Toy Store

The Best Sex Store Near LaSalle, Ontario

Wicked Wanda's has offered the latest cutting-edge technology in sex-positive toys for over 30 years. That is why we have the best selection of sex toys in-store and available online across Canada. We are your source for quality, LGBTQ+ friendly sex toys, lingerie, and adult novelty items. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, we understand your fetish.

You may think that LaSalle, Ontario, is a peaceful bedroom community that depends on the larger city of Windsor, but you would be surprised by how much more there is to it than meets the eye. It is the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in Canada, outside Quebec. But La Salle has an intriguing and vibrant history that attracts visitors every year. The town of LaSalle is a welcoming community that values its youth. With easy access to city amenities, cozy country living at a reasonable price, and plenty of greenery available for you to enjoy, the town offers comfort and simplicity without sacrificing any of the charm or character that makes it such an appealing destination.

What are sex toys?

Why do people use sex toys?

Where can I buy sex toys in LaSalle?

Need help with sex toys?

Owning your pleasure is the fastest way to boost self-confidence, optimism, and empathy. It also helps you speak up when needed in work or school situations and social ones like family and friends. Wicked Wanda's helps residents of LaSalle by providing complementary sex education for sex toys that we provide. Our sex educators are friendly and knowledgeable, always ready to assist you in your quest for sexual wellness. Whether it's an introduction or just some advice on how best to use that new sex toy, we are here to help.